Lane Changing Accidents
With the substantial increase of drivers and the escalating speed limits on roads and highways in the United States, lane changing accidents have proven to be an increasingly costly hazard for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians alike. Each year there are over 200,000 lane-changing and merging traffic accidents, with over 200 of them resulting in deaths. The lane-changing vehicle may be legally at fault in such an incident, because before a lane change is attempted, the driver has a duty to make sure it is safe to do so.
If you are injured in a lane changing accident, you may have the right to collect reparations for your sustained injuries. Only an experienced accident or personal injury attorney can access the damages and help you collect what is rightfully yours. Don’t let the statute of limitations expire before you find out if you can be compensated for your injuries.
You deserve educated and experienced guidance when you become the innocent victim of driving negligence from a lane changing collision. To find an accident lawyer in your state, simply fill out the free case review form. Don’t let your opportunity to right a wrong pass you by.